IlenesRascals J Ace ofDiamonds
DOB 4.3.2024, ADGA Registered

Noteworthy Pedigree Stats:
*7 National Champions: 5 Sr & 2 Jr
*22+ Finished Champions
*31 appraisal scores of 90 or higher on goats ranging from ages 2 to 7 years
*6 Elite (1 5x in a row, 1 4x in a row)
*1 top 10 butterfat
*11 Superior Genetics
*SG NC Promisedland MG Diva is the highest PTA and PTI for the entire breed
Ace's pedigree is off-the-charts amazing with all of the awards and performances gathered in one place. His paternal sister and maternal aunt, IlenesRascals GoldiKova was the 2024 ADGA spotlight doe. Goldi has shined a lot of attention to IlenesRascals and brought to light how amazing Ilene's herd is! We are so proud to have Ace in our herd and can't wait to see what he produces!
Sire: *B Winning Streak S Jarvis
Dam: IlenesRascals When Stars Align
SS: Better Wayz BC Spice It Up *B
SD: GCH Winning Streak CM Marvelous 6*M EEEE92
SDD: GCH Winning Streak EOT Amazing 5*M EEEE91
SDS: GCH Wood Bridge Farm Count on Me +*B VVE88
SSS: Better Wayz Braveheart Carbear *B
SSD: Better Wayz Pumpkin Spice 5*M VEEE90
SSDD: SG Better Wayz Swiss Mocha 4*M LA EEEE92
SSSD: SG Better Wayz Carabear 2*M EEEE92, 2019, 2020, 2021 & 2022 ADGA Elite Doe
SSSS: Old Mountain Farm Elton Jay ++*B, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 & 2023 ADGA Elite Sire
SSDS : Phoenix Farm Vanilla Ice +*B
SDDS : GCH Alethia CTO Eye of the Tiger +*B
DS: 3G Family Farm SQ Sweet Cheeks
DD: CH IlenesRascals Show Me theStars
DDD: SGCH Springwater AL Show Me Ur Stuff 5*M, 2019 ADGA Yearling Milker National Champion
DDS: *B Wolfivan Jack of Diamonds
DSS: Agape's Prize Sulaymaan Quinn, 2022 Premier Sire
DSD: SGCH Castle Rock Sweet N Low1*M 7*D VEEE 90
DDSD: SG Wolfivan WP Patchouli 3*M
DDSS: Agape’s Prize Saint Dismus ++*B Elite Sire, son of the 2017 National Champion
DSSD: SG Wood Bridge Farm LevianDiamond 1*M VEEE 91
DSSS: SG+*B Old Mountain Farm Keidan Quinn
*B Winning Streak S Jarvis
Photo Credits: Winning Streak, A Better Way Farms, & Grace Hill Farm
IlenesRascals When Stars Align
Photo Credits: IlenesRascals, Wolfivan Ranch, Agape's Prize & 3G Farmily Farm,