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Sales Policies & Purchase Agreement

Updated July 17, 2024

Reservations are now being accepted for our spring 2025 births. Please complete the reservation request form to begin the process of reserving a kid(s). Once we receive your reservation request form, we will contact you with instructions on how to submit payment etc.




To see what we are planning, visit our Kidding Schedule  (2025 has not been posted yet. We plan to have it posted by September.)

How Reservations Work

Doe & buck reservations will be asked to pick a breeding to reserve from, or we can pick for you. Wethers will be picked as they are born in order of deposits received. We do our best to accommodate desired traits and are aware that our speciality is beautiful, flashy, blue-eyed goats! However, eye color, polled, and/or coat color/pattern are not guaranteed traits and will not be valid reasons to reject a kid with a deposit refund. We do our best to ensure that everyone is happy with their final pick but we are limited to the supply we are given by our hard-working herd!


Once kids are born and photographed, reservation holders will be contacted via text and/or email and instructed to make their selection. Buyers will have 24 hours from the time of contact to pick their kid(s) and submit any requested payments. Failure to respond within 24 hours will result in your turn being skipped. Failure to respond within 1 week of notification will result in your deposit being forfeit. Please be sure to provide a cell phone number and email address that you routinely monitor to avoid missing our notifications. 


Any adult goats purchased or kids over six (6) weeks of age must be paid for in full to secure.


Please note that while it is very rare, as the breeders, we reserve the right to retain any goat prior to leaving the farm.​

Pricing and Discounts

Prices for kids are set once pregnancies are confirmed and the listed prices will be honored for customers who enter into a reservation agreement on specific breedings. Prices are determined by the quality and potential of each pairing. Extras such as blue eyes or polled play into the prices of the goats and some pairings may have a price range to allow for these extras.


The parents' performance history plays a large role in calculating these prices. Therefore, prices listed on our Kidding Schedule are subject to change once the kids hit the ground and their parents continue in their performance programs. Any written or verbal price quote is subject to change until the sales contract is entered into by both parties. Placing a paid reservation will lock in your kid(s) pricing.



We currently offer a $50 per goat discount for 4-H and/or performance homes. 4-H buyers will be required to submit their Club and Goat Project leaders' contact information. Performance homes are those who have participated in at least 2 of the 3 ADGA sanctioned preformance programs for 2 or more years.


In all other situations, we do not offer discounts on our goats, including but not limited to discounts on multiple purchases. The amount of time, energy, and money that goes into raising the superior stock we offer is beyond measure. Please do not ask for a discount or attempt to negotiate pricing; such inquiries will not be responded to. 

Deposits, Payments, & Breeder Rights

Deposits are non-refundable, except at the sole discretion of Red Rooster Ranch. If a reservation on an unborn kid is not filled at the fault of Red Rooster Ranch, the buyer shall choose to have their deposit refunded, moved to another available breeding, or carried over to the next kidding season (however prices may change for the following year).


If the Buyer passes, at the sole discrtion of Red Rooster Ranch, the deposit will either be forfeit or rolled into the next breeding season. 

If payment is overdue, a $50 late fee will be applied.


We accept Venmo, PayPal & Zelle as our preferred payment methods. Credit card payments are an option for an additional fee. Deposits are non-refundable and must be submitted as "cash" payments, not "goods & services". Deposits submitted as "goods & services" will be refunded immediately.


If you require a payment plan, this MUST be agreed upon before a deposit is sent. Typically, we do not offer payment plans but we can be flexible especially for 4-H families.


If your goats cannot be picked up on or before the date agreed upon, a boarding contract may be created if acceptable to both the Buyer and Red Rooster Ranch. The rate of boarding is $10 per day for adults and weaned kids, $25 per day for bottle kids.


Breeder Rights

Red Rooster Ranch reserves the right to refuse a sale for any reason, at any time, on any animal. This can be done up until the time the Bill of Sale/Transfer is signed. If WE cancel a sale, deposits paid will be refunded in full.


Red Rooster Ranch reserves the right to cancel a sale contract and retain any reserved animal for any reason. If this is done, payments will be refunded in full or another goat offered. We have never done this but as an industry standard, retain the right to do so at our discretion. 


In the event BUYER chooses to sell the goats in the future, Red Rooster Ranch requests first right of refusal. In the event we cannot purchase an animal back, we will do our best to help you find an excellent home for the goat(s).



Refunds are only offered when we are not able to meet your request. If the Buyer passes, the refund is forfeit. It is at our discretion to grant a roll over when the buyer passes. We typically allow for one roll over into the next breeding season without any penalty. (Note that we are no longer doing fall kiddings!)


All Sales Are Final

Once a goat has been paid in full, the sale is final except at the sole discretion of Red Rooster Ranch. However, we will always do our best to help you find a good home should you be unable to keep your goats at anytime during their lifetime.

Pick Up & Transportation Policies

It is Buyer's responsibility to arrange and pay for all transportation costs. We can make recommendations but cannot guarantee quality of services outside of our control. At this time, we do not offer air transportation.


All kids must be picked up by 4 weeks old or a boarding agreement contracted. This will mean all kids will require bottle feeding! (Detailed Bottle Feeding Instructions.


The exception to this rule is if the buyer picks kids of different ages. All kids must be picked up by the time the youngest kid is 4 weeks old. Once Buyer has picked their goat(s), a "go-home" date and time will be calculated and agreed upon by both parties.


If you need to reschedule your pick up appointment, please give us 24 hours notice. We will add a $25 fee for any “no shows”. A second “no show” will result in the cancelation the sale contract and all deposits paid will be forfeit. 


The following situations will be considered a “no show”:

  • Missing a pick-up appointment.

  • Being more than 30 minutes late to a pick-up appointment.

  • Canceling or rescheduling an appointment without a 24 hour notice.

  • Arriving to your pick-up appointment without the proper crate or set-up to safely transport your goat(s).


NOTE: Should you find yourself running late or stuck in traffic, please text us asap and we can discuss rescheduling or same-day accommodation. We understand that when traveling a long distance there are variables out of your control and we will accommodate the best we can as long as you are in communication with us. 


Each pick up appointment is 45 minutes long and we can go over any questions you have at that time. If you have more questions or would like to schedule a Q&A before your kids are ready to go home, we are now offering a mentorship program. Let us know and I will send you the information. This article goes into detail about all of the subjects we cover at pick-up appointments. Becoming familiar with our protocols prior to pick up will leave more time for your specific questions!


​You will need to have either a designated baby goat holder or a small dog crate and room INSIDE YOUR VEHICLE. These babies are TINY and will not be released to anyone planning to haul them home in a trailer or pick-up bed. Failure to come to your pick up appointment prepared will be treated as "no show" and a $25 reschedule fee applied.


If, at the time of the agreed upon date, the Buyer is not responsive, after one week of contact attempts, all deposits will be forfeit and the goat(s) placed for resale.



If your goat needs to stay beyond the agreed-upon date, there will be a boarding fee of $10 per day per adult or weaned kid and $25 per day for bottle kids. In order to enter a boarding agreement, your goat(s) must be paid in full and boarding fees paid in advance an in weekly increments. Failure to pay these boarding fees will result in the termination of your sale contract and all deposits paid to date forfeit. 


Should your goat(s) require boarding beyond the agreed upon pick up date, a new contract will be entered into that will require the Buyer to release liability and assume responsibility of any and all medical expenses while the buyer's goat(s) are held at Red Rooster Ranch.​

Health Guarantees

All Red Rooster Ranch animals are guaranteed healthy at the time of sale. 


Our focus and priority at every point of our kids' lives and sale contract is their health and well-being. If for any reason, we feel that it is not in the kid's best interest to continue a sale contract or pick-up schedule, we will notify the Buyer and make plan B. Very rarely, we find that we have entered into a reservation contract with an individual who's situation or mindset would put our animals at risk. While we do everything in our power to avoid this situation, if our goats are at risk, we will not hesitate to act.


This policy also covers a goat who is not 100% healthy or 100% ready to be a full time bottle kid. 


In the unlikely event that the goat dies or becomes ill at Red Rooster Ranch before it is fully paid for, the buyer may choose to have their money refunded or moved to another available animal. However, should goats require boarding, once goats are paid for in full, Red Rooster Ranch no longer holds responsibility for any vet bills as long as the goats remain on our property.  


Red Rooster Ranch is happy to have goats checked over by a vet before sale at buyer’s expense. Should the vet not find the animal healthy, the buyer’s money shall be refunded.


Red Rooster Ranch does not guarantee height, conformation, or milking ease. We strive to breed only the best, but do not guarantee future health, growth, production, or quality as much of this depends on herd management. While our herd is comprised of genetics from stock that is considered "show quality", bred for the show ring and milk production, we can not guarantee any future success of animals we sell in the show ring or other performance programs. 


When a goat leaves our farm (including leaving with a transporter), it is the buyer’s responsibility to ensure proper companionship, nutrition, housing, and maintenance care for the animal purchased. Our health guarantee does not extend once the animal leaves our farm. 


All adult goats at Red Rooster Ranch have been tested and found negative for Johne’s, CAE and CL.

Our Health Protocols


We do not routinely vaccinate our animals. We have made the informed decision that our risk factors for vaccine preventable diseases are, at this time, lower than the known risks associated with vaccines. Please discuss vaccines with your vet. We do not recommend giving any medications, especially vaccines, in the first week of bringing home a new animal. Any possible reactions could be confused with normal transition stress and we feel it's important to be able to discern between the two. 



All kids born on our farm receive Zuri Cox 5% at 3 & 6 weeks of age. Goats who go home prior to receiving these doses will be sent with instructions and enough Zuri Cox 5% for their required doses. A third dose can be given at 9 weeks if warranted. 



Goats will be disbudded prior to 2 weeks of age at the expense of the Red Rooster Ranch unless otherwise agreed upon by buyer and noted in the sales contract. Red Rooster Ranch does not guarantee against scurs (small horn growths).


Goats marked and sold as "polled" (naturally without horns) are guaranteed against horn growth.

If buyer does not want goats disbudded, this must be agreed upon prior to the birth of the goat(s) and payment in full will be due at the time of birth. We have a very detailed article on the pros and cons of disbudding vs horns. Buyers requesting horned goats will be required to read it in addition to the early payment. 


Castration aka wethering

Male goats who are castrated are referred to as "wethers". This can be done non-surgically by the banding method or surgically by a licensed veterinarian. Each wether includes banding by Red Rooster Ranch in his fees. However, we do not ever band before 8 weeks and strongly recommend it be done between 10-12 weeks.


Ideally, wethers should be castrated surgically by a vet between 5-6 months old. The surgical option allows for more growth of the goat's urethra and a less likelihood of urinary calculi. Wethers go home by 4 weeks old; therefore it is the buyer's responsibility to schedule and bring the boys back to Red Rooster Ranch prior to 12 weeks of age, or find an alternative means of wethering their boy(s).


We sell our wethers prior to the banding procedure in good faith that buyers will follow through with the castration process and not use this loophole as a cheap way to get an intact buck. Should a Buyer change their mind and want to keep their wether intact, we will be happy to provide ADGA registration paperwork. If we are contacted before the kid reaches 6 months old, the fee for the papers will be the difference in sale price for a buck plus the registration and transfer fees. If we are contacted after the goat is 6 months old, the fee will be $1000.

Buyer's Responsibilities

When a goat leaves our farm (including leaving with a transporter), it is the buyer’s responsibility to ensure proper companionship, nutrition, housing, and maintenance care for the animal purchased. Our health guarantee does not extend once the animal leaves our farm. 


The following are Buyer Responsibilities included in our Purchase Agreement: 

  • Provide for the specific nutritional needs as well as a species and gender-specific diet throughout their lives.

  • To seek vet care/advice as needed.

  • Goats are herd animals and must be housed with other goats.

  • Goats are vulnerable and must be provided with predator protection even during the day time.

  • Goats are sentitive to severe heat and cold and must be provided with weather-proof housing and adequate shade.

Bottle Babies

Over the last 13+ years of breeding and selling goats we developed our dam-bottle raised system that creates super friendly, healthy, and bottle proficient kids! The key to successfuly implementing this system is getting kids full time on the bottle by 4 weeks old. Thus our new pick up policy: All kids must be picked up by 4 weeks old.


If you fall into the situation where your kids are not all the same age, we highly recommend either picking them all up when the oldest is 4 weeks and doing the extra bottles for the younger kid(s) or making multiple pick-up trips. If neither is possible, please try to pick kids as close in age as you can. After 4 weeks old, if they aren’t full time bottle kids, their personalities change and they are more independent. They aren’t as dependent on the bottle and it can be more difficult and stressful to transition them to full time bottle babies even if we keep up the morning routine of bottles and snuggles. Some kids start to refuse their morning bottles after 4 weeks and insist on waiting for mom.


The demand for our goats and the workload to keep them sweet and friendly passed 4 weeks, is too great and we are turning people away who are not only willing to bottle feed but prefer to. There are other farms who dam raise and will keep the kids for 8-10 weeks and we feel that these resources are a better fit for customers not looking to bottle feed.


All kids will be bottle-trained prior to their pick-up date. However, due to the stress of leaving their mom, some kids regress and require some extra TLC during feeding time. If we feel that a kid is not ready to go home on their scheduled date, we will notify the Buyer and reschedule. As stated above, the health and well-being of our goats is the number one priority in our sales practices. We will not jeopardize their health to accommodate personal schedules or preferences.


Please be sure to read our Bottle Baby instruction article.​


All of our adult goats are registered with AGDA. Buyers with a current ADGA membership will have their goat's registration and transfer completed and paid for online by Red Rooster. Buyers who do not provide a membership number before the sale date, will be provided a paper application and transfer and all fees will be at Buyer's expense.


Buck born in 2024 and later are now required to have their DNA on file with ADGA prior to any registration of their progeny. Buyers are responsible for completing this process and all fees associated. 


How to name your goats?

We have a tradition of having a name theme for each year for the registered kids born in our herd. This only pertains to their registered names that we put on their papers. Their barn names can be anything you want. 


For example, Pumpkin (born on thanksgiving w/ a giant white "whipped cream" spot on her head!) is legally named Red Rooster K Eye of the Tiger in honor of her grandmother, Tiger Tracks. But she is affectionally known as Pumpkin. This is referred to as her "barn name".


Each registered goat from our herd will start with “Red Rooster” as this is our herd name. We like to use the buck’s initials next followed by the individual goat’s name. Pumpkin's sire is Joyful Hearts P Kealoha so her initial is "K". The entire name including Red Rooster and spaces must be 30 characters or less.


The theme for 2025 has not been decided.


2024 - ancient historical figures and places

2023 - fancy food

2022 - 70-80’s pop culture

2021 - classic literature 

2020 - European history & geography

2019 -  plants, flowers, herbs

2018 - weather


We can’t do identical names, they must be unique. Wethers do not come with papers so don’t need an official theme name but a lot of people still find it fun to play along and pick their pet boys’ names from the theme.​​


New to ADGA? Check out our article on How to Get Started With a Registered Dairy Goat Herd.

Farm Visits and Bio Security

Due to the increase in interest in our farm, we have made the difficult decision to limit our farm visits to animal pick-ups only. Only buyers with paid deposits will be permitted to visit the farm and only for their designated pick-up appointment.


Occasionally, we have unreserved goats available and receive requests to visit these animals prior to placing a deposit. We will not give out directions to our farm without a paid deposit. These times are worrisome and we understand the desire to avoid being scammed. However, we feel that our lengthly online presence and history speaks to our credibility as a valid business and the need to protect our animals and family from those with malicious intent is foremost. 


We do not take in unwanted animals as we do not have the facilities in place to provide adequate quarantine space to protect our existing animals. We are committed to the animals we breed and sell and will support our Buyers in every step of the rehoming process should they find themselves in need. 


We are often asked to take in roosters and this policy applies to poultry as well. 

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